Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Remembering Jerry

On a sunny weekend, here on the Protection Island, there was a very special event. Jerry's remembrance celebration. Jerry was an important member of Nanaimo community. He was loved by all.

I did not have the chance to know him well since I arrived 2 years ago. The few times I met him on the ferry or on the streets here on the Island I could appreciate this elderly man, always smiling and ready to talk. I learned much more about his life at the event. So just for the people of Protection to have images of this celebration here are my photos.

First there was a parade on the Island attended by over 60 residents. After everyone met at the community center. Many people came from Nanaimo. There was a special ferry organized for them as many carts transporting them from the Pub to the community center.

Je fais exception ici en écrivant en anglais en premier. L'événement dont je présente aujourd'hui les photos fut la fête en mémoire d'un de nos résidents qui nous a quitté l'automne dernier. Jerry était une figure fort connue dans la région. Plusieurs personnes, amis ou famille, se sont déplacés pour cette occasion. D'abord une parade puis une cérémonie en mémoire de ce grand homme. Voici donc ces clichés.

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